住房、膳食计划 &

登录WeevilNet. 在学生服务页面,点击Star Rez 住房. 单击应用程序 申请校内住宿. 如果您有任何问题,请致电或发电子邮件给我们:870-460-1045 or reslife@cocorebelsquad.com.

是的. All bc365游戏 freshman students (enrolled in 12 hours or more) who are LESS than 21 一年s of age are required to live on-campus for the academic 一年. 这项政策是 not applicable to students enrolled full time at the Colleges of Technology at Crossett and McGehee; however, students attending those campuses do qualify and are welcome 住在大学宿舍. 这个居住要求的豁免必须是 以书面订立(豁免申请表格 obtained from the Residence Life Department) and submitted by July 20th for the Fall 学期.

价格位于 费率/膳食计划信息 网页.

A resident’s $100 housing deposit can transfer to the next semester as long as they 预订住房. If a student moves out and does not 预订住房 for the next semester, their deposit will be refunded to their student account. 请 remember that a housing deposit may be forfeited for the following reasons:

  1. 随时取消房屋申请.
  2. 在合同期限结束时没有正确结账.

No. 这里没有对居民实行宵禁.
Visitation is designated times when a resident may have a guest visit his/her room. 班克斯顿,霍斯福尔,麦克斯韦尔 & Royer居民可能会有访客:


University Apartment 居民 maintain 24 hour visitation policy.

  • 请 remember, 居民 have the right to have guests during visitation hours with the expectations that guest are to respect the rights of the host’s/hostesses roommate 或者其他宿舍居民.
  • Assigning or allowing the use of an assigned on-campus housing space to another person 是被禁止的.
  • As a resident in bc365游戏s Residence 大厅s, you are allowed to have visitors. 每个大厅 (with the exception of Maxwell and the Apartments) requires that you sign your guests 在前台. Guests will be required to leave a photo ID with the DA or RA 在办公桌前工作. Any guest that does not have appropriate ID will not be allowed 走过前厅.
  • 这栋楼的住客必须一直护送客人.
  • Guests must abide by bc365游戏 policies and must not infringe upon the rights of roommates 和其他居民. 居民有责任 for informing their guests of bc365游戏 policies and will be held accountable for the behavior of their guests. 居民有责任 for all items found in their rooms and for all activities occurring within their rooms 招待客人时. 住宿学生对学生的行为负责 他们的家庭成员.
  • No more than two (2) visitors will be allowed in an individual’s room.
  • Guests are never allowed to be left alone in a resident’s room.
  • 住户永远不应该让客人使用自己的钥匙.

Bankston大厅 – All rooms are furnished with two loft beds, two free-standing wardrobes, two study tables, two steel stack chairs, two 3 drawer dressers and two night stands with locking 门.
Horsfall大厅 - All rooms are furnished with two loft beds, two free-standing wardrobes, two study tables, two steel stack chairs, two 3 drawer dressers and two night stands with locking 门.
麦克斯韦大厅 - All rooms are furnished with two loft beds, one free-standing wardrobe, two study tables, two steel stack chairs, two 3 drawer dressers and two night stands with locking 门.
罗耶大厅 - All rooms are furnished with a sink/mirror, two beds, desk space for two, two steel stack chairs, wall shelves for two, built in drawers, closets and extra storage.
大学公寓 - Each kitchen includes a refrigerator, oven and range, sink and built-in cabinets. Each bedroom is furnished with a bed, nightstand, three-drawer chest, desk, desk chair 还有带架子的壁橱. 客厅里有一个组合式沙发、电视架、 还有茶几/茶几.

是的! 运动员不局限于一个特定的大厅.

是的! You can purchase a USPS PO Box from our local post office on campus located directly 在bc365游戏书店后面或在www网上.美国邮政总局.com. 出租汽车需要驾照 或州颁发的身份证和bc365游戏学生身份证. 有两种不同的租赁方式:
6个月- 31美元.00
UPS or FedEx packages can be shipped to the Residence Life Office and picked up by 居民. 包将只发给那些有bc365游戏学生证的人. 请船 包裹寄往以下地址:




是的! All 居民 can pick their residence hall, room, and roommate via the Star 保留区房屋申请.

我们创建了一个 伟大的列表 住宿学生必备的东西.

Because of COVID-19, housing deposits for Summer 2020 and Academic Year 2020-2021 不需要. We hope this decision makes planning for the upcoming semesters 对我们的居民来说更容易.

每个宿舍都提供以太网和Wifi连接. 所有使用本服务 must be consistent with the policies outlined in the 信息技术 part of 学生手册. 更多资料可浏览 信息技术.

bc365游戏 IT department has created several resources that can help students register their game consoles, get connected to WIFI, and log in to their student accounts. 欲了解更多信息,请致电870-460-1036或查看 学生资讯 在资讯科技网站. 宿舍连接政策

学生 will take their bc365游戏 ID photo during pre-registration 事件. 的 澳门大学学生证 会在秋季新生会上发给你吗.

是的! 住宿学生必须有一个 膳食计划. 有几个选项可用. 学生可以使用膳食计划下降平衡 餐厅,Chick-Fil-A,星巴克WPS/P.O.D. & 在小卖部最具运动性 事件.


Contact the Director of 食物 Services to discuss any dietary restrictions. 870-460-1076.

是的. University Apartment 居民 can choose from the three weekly residential plans but also have a lower priced fourth option to choose from that includes a block of meals to be used throughout the semester and specific declining balance amount.

Rental Policy for Returning University Apartment Residents: Eligibility to reserve a University Apartment for 12 months requires 一年-round rental payment. 一个学生 choosing not to pay rent for both the Summer I and Summer II terms, must vacate his/her assigned apartment, forfeits the right to retain a University Apartment for the upcoming 秋季学期. 的 student may choose to be placed on the 大学公寓' waiting 未来条款一览表.

是的. 通勤膳食计划是可用的. We strongly encourage all commuter students to purchase a 膳食计划.

Meals/week must be used in the week they are assigned and cannot be carried over to 下个星期. 三餐/学期可以在学期中的任何时间使用. 然而, Declining Balance will roll to the next semester for students who are consecutively 在秋季,春季和夏季入学. 所有未使用的DB将在最后一天被没收 day of Summer II or the last date of consecutive students’ enrollment for this academic 一年.

Declining Balance is included in most 膳食计划s and can be used like a debit card 在Chick-Fil-A,星巴克WPS/P.O.D.,餐厅和小卖部 大多数体育赛事.